GestióIP Network Configuration Backup and Management Module

The GestióIP project offers an additional PlugIn to backup and manage the configurations of network devices (Network Configuration Backup and Management Module - CMM). The CMM offers a flexible and comfortable way to automatically backup and manage configurations of network devices like switches, routers, load balancer or firewalls. It furthermore permits to execute commands on the devices and optionally store the command's output. This offers many possibilities. You can, for example, fetch every day the output of a command like "show arp cache" to create a MAC-address/port history for a switch or you can make bulk changes like changing the password of multiple devices. The CMM is not part of the GestióIP software.

The main features of the Network Configuration Backup and Management Module are:

See the documentation for detailed information.

Visit the screenshots to see the Configuration Backup and Management Module in action.

The Network Configuration Backup and Management Module is not part of GestióIP and requires a license key for it's activation. Consult the pricing list and request a free trial license key.

Mail to for any further information.