Remote Installation Support

The GestióIP project offers commercial support for the installation of the software and for the initialization of the database with organization's network and host information.

Installation support includes:

  • Installation of the GestióIP software
  • Adaptation of the installation to the organization specific requirements (definition of custom columns, ipv6 support, leased line support, AS support)
  • Configuration of the Apache web server with HTTPS and Virtual Host
  • Configuration of user authentication against LDAP or Microsoft Active Directory
  • Configuration of the authorization system
  • Import of spreadsheets (networks and hosts)
  • Initialization of the network discovery process
  • Configuration of cron jobs for the automatic actualization processes
  • Configuration of cron jobs for a database backup
  • Optionally configuration of the Network Configuration Backup and Management Module

Please mail to for further information.

IP address management software GestióIP Copyright © Marc Uebel 2015